Saturday 23 August 2008

Download of Albion Perfide from English Boy Wonders

The final free download from the re-mixed English Boy Wonders is now on line on our home page. The download is the first mix of Albion Perfide and it's available in high quality audio. The English Boy Wonders sessions are now finished and the album will be available very soon.

The short video shows us working on the Albion mix.


  1. Hi Greg,

    I really like the way "Albion" turned out. As I said before I thought that the piano solo was way too long. You made a lot of changes to that part of the song. And the changes improved the song dramatically. EBW has always been one of my favourite BBT album so I wasn't entirely shure if the album could improve in any way. If I have to form an opinion based on the reworked stuff I heard so far.........I was wrong.
    When will I be able to order my copy?


  2. Hi Leo,

    glad you like the new version.

    The CD should be going to the manufacturers next week and I'll send an e-mail out announcing the pre-order and release date details as soon as I can. We'll be offering a pre-order discount.



  3. Save a copy for me then ;--) Btw what happened to the f... word in the song??


  4. Bit of self-censorship going on. I was never comfortable with that line so we have taken it out. A couple of other lines have been removed on the album, because they were obvious or didn't sit well.
