Thursday 11 September 2008

High IQ

One of the perks of being in a band is the occasional preview of other bands' music before it gets released. Last night, we got to hear four songs from the forthcoming IQ album.

I've been a fan of IQ since the release of the Seven Stories Into Eight demo tape (my copy had its own hand-made cover, with pieces of felt stuck on brown card) and saw the band at their first Marquee performance (a support slot to Twelfth Night). Andy's interest in IQ goes back even further; he used to roadie for the proto-IQ band, The Lens. So a chance for us to hear some of the new album was very interesting.

I don't want to say too much as it's not my place to do so, but I would just make two observations:
  • to my ears, Mike and company have produced an album which harks back to the roots of the IQ sound. It's not that it's backward-looking, there are plenty of new ingredients in the formula, but it reminded me more of their earlier music than recent releases.
  • it sounded absolutely brilliant. The songs were very strong, packed full of those all-important spine-tingling moments.

On the basis of the four tracks I heard, this could be IQ's best album so far.


Anonymous said...

There's a word for your sort...

An original copy of seven stories!

What was the other stuff you said?

With bits of felt...

What I wouldn't give.

And the others stuffs cool too.

Steve Dunstan said...

I once saw one of those hand-made cover copies of Seven Stories at a record fair, it's one of my biggest regrets that I decided not to buy it (it was £30, a lot to me back in the 80's). By the time I changed my mind and went back some other git had bought it!
I've been a massive IQ fan since hearing Awake And Nervous on Tommy Vance's Friday Rock Show, looking forward to the new album after waht you've said as their last couple of albums have been a bit of a letdown (imo).