Friday 1 April 2011

Tin Spirits

The first Tin Spirits' CD,Wired to Earth, is out now. It's a beautiful album of guitar-based prog which avoids the well-trodden road of Nu-Prog or Nu-Metal heaviness and, instead, establishes its own path. My understanding is that the album has been printed up as a limited edition to start off with so I strongly recommend popping over to the Tin Spirits' website and buying a copy while it's available (it costs just £6.95). Tin Spirits is:  Dave Gregory (guitars), Daniel Steinhardt (guitars and vocals), Doug Mussard (drums and vocals) and Mark Kilminster (vocals and bass).


Leo said...


Haven't heard a single note but Dave Gregory is a hero! So it must be good.

Anonymous said...

On order. The video for Back in NYC on the bands website is cool.

Brad Birzer said...

Agreed with Leo. Gregory is a hero, indeed. Thanks much for posting this, Greg. My copy is on the way.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe how quickly this arrived and I can't thank you enough for recommending it.

It's a difficult album to describe, they don't sound like anyone else in particular. They just sound great. Perhaps they sound like XTC but I don't own any XTC so I wouldn't know.

The version of Back In NYC is very faithful to the original and sits well with the other songs on the album. Not that they sound like Genesis. Thinking about it, Back in NYC was a great song but not typical Genesis either.

Dave's guitar is an obvious high point, but the playing and vocals are excellent throughout. The songs are just so well crafted.

I was also reminded of Paul Menel's work with iQ, but again it's not a close comparison. It's just an album of real quality and passionate playing.

I'd love to see them live.

David Elliott said...

Superb album, this - one of the best I've heard so far this year.

claus said...

thanx for mentioning this, greg! i had no idea that tin spirits even existed. i already got the album and it's really great (although i could live without the genesis cover - it's too similar to be interesting).

they're a mixture of prog and xtc - a winning combo in my view!!