Wednesday 27 October 2010

Busy week

We're busy packaging pre-orders for the Far Skies Deep Time EP at the moment. We are a little bit behind as we have also had to grab a couple of days in the studio this week to finally finish off the Goodbye to the Age of Steam remix and bonus tracks (that's me, above, recording Expecting Dragons last night.)

The reason for the untimely studio booking is that VAT is increasing again in January so we want to get Age of Steam pressed up before Christmas to save ourselves a bit of money.

We'll be finishing Age of Steam today and after a celebratory curry will get back to the packaging and shipping. All pre-orders should be on their way by Saturday at the latest.


Test said...

It will be a well deserved curry indeed!
Can't wait to listen to the EP, it's going to be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Gods, what's VAT going up to in the UK? Here in NZ it just went up to 15% from 12.5%.

Gregory Spawton said...

Up from 17.5 to 20%! Nothing is certain in England except death and taxes.