Thursday 11 October 2007


Terrorizer magazine has been doing a series of very interesting articles on prog rock in their last three issues. The cover CD for the new issue which is out today and which concludes their look at the state of prog, features Big Big Train. They've found space for the full length version of Perfect Cosmic Storm on the CD, alongside tracks from Dream Theatre, Porcupine Tree and others.

According to Terrorizer, our music is 'unashamed, unreconstructed PROG FUCKIN' ROCK' and we are 'bound to please fans of Yes, the Enid and early Genesis.' As I kind of expected, most of the other bands on the CD are from the heavier end of the prog spectrum rather than the symphonic side of things and I'm not so sure that we'll please the average Terrorizer reader, but it's nice to see our name on the news stands.

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